Ginger Marin Media

Here are just a few samples of actor-writer Ginger Marin’s work in various film and TV projects. Please visit her IMDB page to see her latest film and television credits. To see some of her writings, visit her Amazon Author page.

Additionally, a number of years ago, Ginger Marin went crazy, thinking she could mimic famous people’s voices, and at the same time, interview them as any journalist might. The result was The Kiss Kissinger Show – an internet radio show that she wrote, produced and voiced. It’s a less than serious look at the world and its many strange inhabitants (of which she is one). Below you will hear the likes of Martha Stewart, Arnold Schwarzenegger and a host of other subjects including a mentally challenged poet and even a terrorist who seems more committed to having fun than destroying the U.S. Enjoy!

England’s Poet Laureate, Yorskire Puddin-on-Avon resident, Pinky Bean

Homemaker-Felon Martha Stewart

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Secret Lives of Foreign Exchange Students in the United States

Three Rednecks on the Iraqi War